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News March 13, 2019

NRCA issues Action Alert regarding workforce shortages

NRCA has issued an Action Alert asking NRCA members to urge Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Department of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta to address surging demand for workers by providing additional H-2B seasonal worker visas for 2019. The workforce shortage problem within the roofing industry must be addressed to support economic demand.

The H-2B seasonal guest worker program provides an opportunity for businesses to operate at a greater capacity, retain their full-time workers, and further contribute to local and state economics. However, an insufficient supply of visas and burdensome regulations governing the program have made it more cumbersome for roofing contractors and other businesses to obtain the workers needed to operate and expand their businesses.

NRCA has written to Nielsen and Acosta to urge them to expeditiously approve additional H-2B visas in accord with economic demand. NRCA urges members to also contact Nielsen and Acosta in support of additional H-2B visas to address short-term workforce needs.

To learn more and take action, click here.


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