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Each workforce audience is unique and requires communication styles tailored to their experiences and interests. NRCA offers tips to help you connect to your potential workforce.

Students are in a transitional stage and can feel overwhelmed by career options. Use a light, relatable tone to help them feel comfortable. Invite them to tell you about their interests and passions and use that information to connect the conversation to roofing career-related topics.

Share your personal experiences with roofing. Tell them how you became involved, why you love what you do and note the plentiful, diverse career choices within the industry. Explain the opportunities for mentorship and career development and the rewards of seeing projects through from start to finish. These students are your next generation of workers, so you must emphasize the positive effect they can have on the industry.

Every parent wants to see his or her child flourish, so it’s your job to show parents attending a traditional four-year college is not the only way to succeed. Explain to parents that roofing industry careers can be lucrative, impactful and an incredible opportunity to learn not only labor skills but administrative, design and management skills. And do not hesitate to mention the financial angle—no student debt or upfront costs for new workers!

Guidance counselors help students explore career paths and can be an invaluable resource in your workforce recruitment process. Some counselors are not well-versed in the benefits of working in the trades and tend to emphasize attending four-year colleges.

We recommend meeting with these counselors to explain the many routes to success for trades workers. Explore how you can partner with counselors to educate students and faculty regarding a career in roofing. Volunteer as a guest speaker on Career Day and share your personal experience of advancing in the industry.

Although most career and technical education schools have construction programs, roofing is not always highlighted in the curriculum. NRCA is working hard to change this, and you can help.

It’s critical to connect with local CTE instructors to ensure the next generation of workers are prepared and empowered to join the industry. Networking with CTE schools can include donating extra materials; volunteering for Career Day; partnering with local schools to emphasize how math and science skills relate to roofing industry work; or hosting an open house at your company to showcase the day-to-day operations of a roofing company.


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