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News March 30, 2022

Construction jobs are up in 32 states since February 2020

Thirty-nine states added construction jobs in February, and construction employment is up in 32 states since February 2020 amid labor shortages, according to

California added the most construction jobs from January to February—22,100—and Rhode Island had the largest percentage increase of construction jobs for the month—3.5%. Georgia lost the largest number of construction jobs (-4,300) for the month and had the largest percentage decline (2.1%).

Thirty-two states added construction jobs from February 2020 to February. Florida added the most jobs—14,100—and Idaho had the largest percentage increase during that period—13.1%. New York lost the most construction jobs from February 2020 to February (-26,500 jobs), and North Dakota had the largest percentage decline (-6.8%).

“Construction is doing well at the moment in most states but fast-rising costs may cause some owners to cancel planned projects,” said Ken Simonson, chief economist for Associated General Contractors of America. “In addition, production and shipping delays are likely to slow down projects and the hiring associated with them.”


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