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News March 12, 2024

How can you combat microstresses?

Microstresses are small, brief stresses from routine interactions that often are barely noticeable. However, when microstresses accumulate, they can drain your energy and lead to burnout in the workplace.

Harvard Business Review shares the following tips for how you can handle microstresses.

  • Start small. Tackle one small, easy-to-address microstress per week for the first two weeks to build confidence and gain a different mindset. Do not focus on the bigger, more difficult stressors that prevent you from addressing what you can control.
  • Shift attention to positive interactions. To be resilient, it is crucial you have people in your life who provide perspective, offer help, create a relaxing space and make you laugh.
  • Consider how your concern for others is affecting you. We get anxious and worried when people we care about are struggling. Think about how to adjust these interactions to be more positive, such as refraining from automatically providing direction even though it seems more efficient .
  • Focus on what gives you a sense of purpose. Researchers found the happiest people gained perspective regarding their microstresses by participating in meaningful activities outside of their work and family lives.

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