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News March 22, 2021

NRCA asked …

What do you look for most in a potential employee? Three NRCA members share their answers.

Peter Horch

I look for three things in a potential employee that do not have anything to do with the roofing trade: regular attendance at work because it is so important to efficient project completions; willingness and ability to learn and retain essential training; and a positive attitude because happy employees tend to be more productive. If we can find an employee with those three attributes, we can easily teach them to have a successful career in the roofing industry.

—Peter Horch, Horch Roofing, Warren, Maine

Curtis Sutton

As we interview and hire new employees, the most important part of the recruiting process is for the potential team members to understand Rackley Roofing’s Core Values. We ask them if they fit the Core Values of Humble, Hungry, Smart, Innovative, Customer Focused and Accountable. If they say yes, we ask every potential employee to give us an example of each Core Value by the Rackley Roofing meaning. If they do not fit these Core Values, we do not hire them.

—Curtis Sutton, Rackley Roofing Co. Inc., Carthage, Tenn.

Kelly Van Winkle

Believe it or not, the candidate’s roofing experience is not the most interesting factor for me. I look for an applicant who wants to learn, grow and cultivate a career in construction.

—Kelly Van Winkle, King of Texas Roofing Co. LP, Grand Prairie


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