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News Dec. 15, 2022

Take advantage of free NRCA ProCertification® performance exams

NRCA is conducting limited NRCA ProCertification thermoplastic roof system installer and metal panel roof system installer hands-on performance exams in February.

NRCA ProCertification thermoplastic roof system installer candidates can take their hands-on performance exams free Feb. 15, 2023, at IB Roof Systems, Romeoville, Ill. To participate in the free hands-on exam, you must have an approved NRCA ProCertification Roof Systems Installer application on file with NRCA, as well as pass the low-slope online knowledge exam. Availability is on a first-come, first-served basis, and space is limited. Learn more and register now

NRCA ProCertification metal panel roof system installer candidates can take their hands-on performance exams free Feb. 17, 2023, at ATAS International Inc., Mesa, Ariz. To participate in the free hands-on exam, you must have an approved NRCA ProCertification Roof Systems Installer application on file with NRCA, as well as pass the steep-slope online knowledge exam. Availability is on a first-come, first-served basis, and space is limited. Learn more and register now

For more information, contact Brad Martz, NRCA’s services sales manager, at (847) 493-7574 or


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